23 research outputs found

    Mewujudkan generasi literat nelalui perpustakaan perguruan tinggi (Tantangan UIN Imam Bonjol Padang Menghadapi HOAX)

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    Hoax is a news or statement that has invalid information or fake that does not have a certainty that is deliberately spread out to make the situation becomes excited and cause fear. HOAX maked many reactions in society, debates among peers, even family conflicts, even RASIS with disagreed parties. This paper is a literature review, will further discuss how the role of the library as one of the information institutions and become a language partner in this case is UIN Imam Bonjol Padang embodies the students who become literary generation. UIN Imam Bonjol Padang Library can implement the following activities: Smooth information, user education, library instruction, bibliographic instruction, information competence, information skills, and information skill development. Then the student is also expected to have knowledge of hitches or HOAX news through the following stages: Consider the source, Read beyond the headline, Check the author, What is the support ?, check the date, is this some kind of joke ?, check your bias, and Consult with experts.&nbsp


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    Perpustakaan menjadi wadah interaksi antar manusia, dimana perpustakaan sebagai lembaga yang menyediakan kebutuhan manusia (pemustaka) dalam hal informasi, sedangkan pustakawan sebagai individu yang melayani kebutuhan individu (pemustaka) lain.Pustakawan merupakan profesi yang dituntut untuk menghadapi pemustaka yang beranekaragam, mulai dari keberagamanusia, tingkat pendidikan, tingkat ekonomi dan lain-lain. Untuk dapat melayani kebutukan informasi mereka, penting bagi pustakawan untuk memiliki pengetahuan psikologi.Dengan pengetahuan psikologi tersebut pustakawan dapat mengenal kepribadian pemustaka, sehingga nantinya dapatmemprediksi dan memperkirakan kebutuhan informasi mereka.Salah satu dasar utama dalam memberikan layanan perpustakaan adalah ketersedian koleksi perpustakaan.Jenis koleksi perpustakaan tergantung pada pengembangan koleksi perpustakaan itu sendiri.Untuk jenis layanan yang disesuaikan dengan karakteristik dari pemustaka itu sendiri terdapat beberapa pilihan yang dapat dilakukan oleh perpustakaan.Pertama, layanan audio visual.Layanan audio visual merupakan layanan yang memberikan peminjaman atau pengembalian koleksi audio visual kepada pemustaka. Kedua, layanan story telling. Story telling atau mendongeng merupakan salah satu komponen dasar layanan yang terdapat di perpustakaan umum.Ketiga, pemberian NOTICE atau petunjuk-petunjukuntuk menginformasikan lokasi dan informasi tertentu pada pemustaka.Layanan ini sangat membantu pemustaka yang memiliki karakter pendiam dan malu untuk bertanya. Sesuai dengan penjelasan pada konsep kepribadian, temperamen dan gaya belajar sebelumnya beberapa individu merasa lebih nyaman untuk mencari informasi sendiri daripada bertanya kepada orang lain.Kata kunci:Psikologi Pustakawan, Karakteristik Pemustaka,User Oriente

    Bibliotheraphy: Layanan bimbingan konseling di perpustakaan

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    Biblioteraphy is one of the treatment in helping the client to overcome the trauma or their problems. Bibliotherapy is seen as a cost-effective treatment. Can be used in various social groups and age groups, as well as effective for healthy people who want to share useful literature for personal growth and development or character. Knowledge or personal experience of most clients is very limited about the problems they face, because the client only refers to the experience themselves. Bibliotherapy can provide useful feedback for clients to address these problems. Much information can be obtained through reading activities. Bibliotherapy makes one learn new facts, has different ways of looking at / approaching problems and has the ability to alternate in solving problems. As one of the information institutions that are rich in reference and reading sources, the library can be the location where the biblioteraphy is implemented. Exposure in this paper is the result of a study from various sources that discusses the basic concepts of bibliotherapy as a counseling guidance service implemented in the library. The results of this study are very useful for counselors, psychologists, librarians, and teachers who are interested in learning about how books can be used as a therapeutic tool for users / clients / learners who have psychological disorders


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    Philosophy of library can be interpreted as knowledge or knowledge that learns about the nature, basis or principle of librarianship (the science and profession of librarians). Practically (in practice), library philosophy has many roles in providing alternatives to solving various problems faced by society, and provides direction, solutions, thoughts, opinions on its success, development of knowledge, fulfillment of information, decision making, work behavior of librarians, user behavior, including providing quality services. As a new foundation, analysis and design of library philosophy and information can explain and guide the purpose of compiling the librarian intellectual environment, and provide systematic treatment of the conceptions of the foundations of a librarian environment


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    Literacy is a form of programs and activities that currently exist in developing the culture of reading Indonesian society. This is very much supported by the government, seen from the national literacy program and the enactment of Undang-undang No. 3 of 2017 concerning the Bookkeeping System. The incessant literacy movement is related to the increasing number of literacy activists and the growth of Community Reading Parks (TBM), literacy villages and reading rooms in the community. Tanah Ombak is one of the reading rooms in the fishing village of Purus 3 in the coastal area of Padang. Officially established since the end of 2014 and later notarized in 2015 where Syuhendri was the founder and supported by Yusrizal KW. Tanah Ombak is in a poor and alarming condition of the community, where children are very close to the world of evil and speak harshly. This research uses descriptive method, namely by describing the role of Tanah Ombak for the community, what achievements have been achieved, and what programs will be formulated by Tanah Ombak in increasing literacy activities in the community


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    Abstract: The study was based on concerns about the personality of the students in the school environment, especially regarding introvert (closed). The research goal is to overcome the introverted personalities of students in SMK Negeri 1 Padangsidimpuan through Guidance Services Group. The method used is a pre-experimental research with the shape of The One Group Pretest - Post Test Design. With a sample of experimental class is class XI Administration 1 as many as 10 students were 5 girls and 5 boys, so as the total sample of 10 students. Tutoring Services Group dilakukakan three meetings and one-time meeting information services, namely in the first meeting perform pretest and posttest perform all treatments. Data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon rank test signesd and Kolmogorov Smirnov 2 with the help SPSS version 20.00. From the results of operations to be carried, a decline in student introverted personalities are quite large, especially the second and third meetings. The findings in the experimental group there is a significant drop between the results of the posttest. to test the hypothesis used by the formula Wilcoxon signed rank test using SPSS version 20 o'clock Wilcoxon test was used to analyze the results of observations of the two data are different or not. On average variable introverted personalities of 142.6000 (posttest experiment) this looks very significant difference. The conclusion of this study the data processing, shows that the implementation of group counseling services can overcome introvert personalities. It is recommended for teachers to approach through group counseling, especially guidance to help shape the personality of students, both in learning, implementation and evaluation of learning. For further research, is expected to make a research on the introverted personalities through other method


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    The library of the Baiturrahman Mosque in Balai Panjang, West Sumatra, is a place for the surrounding community to search for information and exchange information and learn in the fields of religion, social and culture. The collection is used to discuss and dialogue in sharing knowledge through several activities in "kembali ke surau" tradition in this mosque. Baiturrahman Mosque provides collections related to religious knowledge and Minangkabau customs, but in very limited quantities. This research uses the literature study method. Baiturrahman mosque library that already exist today visible only library functions as a venue. Where the mosque library is only used as a place for the transfer of knowledge in "kembali ke surau" tradition which was carried out at the Baiturrahman Mosque Balai Panjang West Sumatra

    Storytelling Sejarah Melalui Foto Beranotasi: Koleksi Foto PDIKM Padangpanjang

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    Keterbatasan informasi yang tersedia pada koleksi foto di PDIKM Padangpanjang menjadi kendala bagi pengunjung untuk memahami secara sistematis mengenai isi dari photc. Ā Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan mengenai kemas ulang informasi foto koleksi di PDIKM Padang Panjang dengan menyusun anotasi informatif pada setiap foto, untuk memudahkan para pengunjung memperoleh informasi terkait dengan sejarah dan kebudayaan Minangkabau. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif, dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi. Hasil penelitian menujukkan: (1) storytelling dapat dilakukan untuk menjelaskan foto melalui penyusunan anotasi pada setiap foto, dan menimbulkan minat belajar sejarah; (2) anotasi foto disusun dengan tahapan klasifikasi, storyline, membuat anotasi, dan kemas ulang informasi. Dengan melakukan kemas ulang informasi tersebut memberikan kemudahan kepada pengunjung PDIKM untuk memperoleh informasi yang kompregensif, sehingga sejarah dapat dipelajari secara menarik dengan metode storytelling foto beranotasi


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    The scope of higher education in the era of Industry Revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0) is one of the complex, dialectical studies and becomes an opportunity that has the potential to change society for the better. IR 4.0 is accommodated by artificial intelligence in the form of technology that will change the work environment from tasks with conventional characteristics to digital technology-based. This condition requires far more numerous teaching, research and interdisciplinary innovations. One of the skills that is an important concern in the realm of higher education in the IR 4.0 era is the information literacy skills that must be possessed by students. Information skills are concentrated on cognitive and transferable skills, such as problem solving, evaluation and communication skills. Information Literacy (IL) deals with the ability to access, evaluate, organize and use information to study, solve problems, make decisions in the context of formal and informal learning, at work, at home and in the educational environment. The purpose of this paper is to discuss what happened to the education system in the era of IR 4.0 and the skills that must be possessed by students in dealing with education in the era of IR 4.0


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    Berbagai penelitian teoritis yang bekerja dalam disiplin ilmu yang berbeda telah mengkaji secara mendalam tentang warna, sifat-sifatnya, sistem, dan hubungannya dengan psikologis manusia.Diketahui bahwa arti warna jauh lebih luas dan dalam dari konsep sekadar lapisan cat pada permukaan, atau alat dekorasi.Warna adalah elemen dasar (utama) dari sebuah desain dan yang paling ekspresif, serta arti/makna yang disampaikan oleh setiap warna, dan efek psikologis pada manusia. Fenomena yang terjadi saat ini bahwa banyak perpustakaan dan taman baca masyarakat (TBM) yang mulai menyadari desain interior menjadi daya tarik utama dalam meningkatkan kunjungan pemustaka ke perpustakaan. Tingkat kenyamanan yang diberikan perpustakaan dapat mempengaruhi persepsi pemustaka terhadap perpustakaan, sehingga memotivasi pemustaka memandang perpustakaan tidak hanya sebagai tempat pinjam meminjam buku dan membaca tetapi juga sebagai pusat relaksasi rekreasi.Pemilihan warna yang tepat merupakan salah satu aspek kajian dalam merumuskan strategi untuk meningkatkan jumlah pemustaka, pihak perpustakaan harus memilih dan menggunakan warna yang mampu memotivasi pemustaka untuk belajar dan menikmati suasana perpustakaan.Warna memiliki peran penting memunculkan citra interior ruang, dimana sarana integrasi warna yang digunakan dalam desain interior umum, furnitur, dan aksesoris, untuk pembuatan karakter perpustakaan secara keseluruhan.Banyaknya minat yang nyata terhadap ā€œidentitas sebuah ruangā€ melalui warna, bagaimana hal tersebut dapat menambah sifat estetika dari sebuah desain interior ruang, dalam hal ini adalah perpustakaan. Merancang desain eksterior dan interior gedung perpustakaan harus mempertimbangkan karakteristik pemustaka dari aspek usia, jenis kelamin, dan budaya sekitar, terutama keputusan bijaksana dalam memilih warna yang sesuai dengan situasi kondisi perpustakaan.Ā Kata kunci:Psikologi warna, Desain Interior Perpustakaan, Pemustak